Our Services

Notarial Authentication Rates

The family unit is one of society’s most important sets of relationships. Our services and dedicated support assists families to navigate their way through some of the most difficult challenges facing families, whether it concerns the maintenance or custody of minor children, antenuptial contracts, post nuptial agreements or divorce.

Our service also includes Shariah Family law advice. Holding fast to family ties is one of the foremost obligations of any Muslim. We encourage and support all our clients when faced with challenges to the family home which includes divorce and the parents’ relationships with their children after divorce.

Safeguard the most prized aspect of life and work with an attorney you can trust.

Should you require a quote please complete our quote form.

* Choosing the “right fit” attorney is an important matter! We fully appreciate this and therefore offer a reasonably priced and commitment free initial consultation (R950 VAT included per initial consultation), so you can ensure you have found the “right fit” before contracting legal work! Should you choose us, this fee forms part of the Antenuptial Contract Fee (outlined in the rate card) but is in addition to our Family law service fee (outlined in the rate card) and is not in addition to that fee! Call us today!

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