Understanding Fixed-Term Employment Contracts in South Africa: What the Labour Relations Act Means for You
Introduction The use of fixed-term employment contracts in South Africa has evolved significantly following legislative changes brought about by the Labour Relations Amendment Act of 2014 (LRAA), which took effect on 01 January 2015. These amendments were...
Managing Poor Performance In The Workplace: A Guide to Avoiding Unfair Dismissal Claims
Introduction Managing poor performance is a delicate but essential responsibility for employers striving to maintain workplace efficiency and productivity. While the Labour Relations Act (LRA) and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) provide a framework for...
Understanding The Legal Dynamics Of The Domestic Worker Employment Relationship
Introduction According to statistical data, most of the global workforce is classified as informal workers. However, the pertinent question concerning domestic workers is what factors establish an employment relationship under the framework of labour law. In...
Unfair Dismissal and Review Application
Motshwaiwa v Pioneer Foods & CCMA, relating to an alleged unfair dismissal and a review application under the Labour Relations Act, dealt with procedural fairness and substantive fairness of an employee who was dismissed and who already had a final written warning...
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