In a separation where one parent is granted sole custody of the child, the noncustodial parent is typically granted visitation rights in the separation order. Visitation rights can be retained if proof is given that demonstrates it is to the greatest advantage of the child not to see the parent. This generally happens where it has been shown that the parent is an abuser of liquor, an abuser of unlawful narcotics, or is verbally or physically abusive.

Visitation rights might be dictated by the arrangement of the parties or by a court order. On the off chance that the court infers that the guardians will be helpful, it may not issue a nitty-gritty appearance plan. This implies that guardians should genially work out sensible occasions and terms that turn out best for the two guardians and child. On the off chance that guardians are not helpful, the courts energize the drafting of an itemised plan that leaves no uncertainty about the recurrence of appearance, the days and seasons of pickup and return, and occasion and excursion plans.


Courts largely consider the desires of the child while assessing guardianship and visitation issues. The Child’s desire might be allowed yet it will be subject to the child’s age and development level, just as the court’s decision is in the child’s best interest. Courts additionally contemplate the way that the custodial parent may apply undue influence over the child’s dynamic interaction and protecting the child’s probably independent request. As children develop, they may look for a request from the court changing guardianship and visitation plans. A typical issue in Family Law is the point at which one parent utilizes visitation to demonstrate hatred for the other parent. Models incorporate a custodial parent rejecting visitation, not having the child accessible for the noncustodial parent at the designated time for pickup, or a noncustodial parent not restoring the child at the recommended time. At the point when a non-custodial parent experiences issues in practising visitation rights, the parent may stop paying Child Support as a method for changing the custodial parent’s conduct.

Notwithstanding, the courts do not perceive this as a substantial explanation behind retention uphold, as visitation and support are independent and discrete issues. These conditions, if relentless, in some cases lead the guardians back into court for resolution of the issues. At the point when a considerable change in conduct or conditions including the guardians happens, the court may make lasting amendments in visitation rights. One of the parties should provide clear proof to the court of the change in conduct or conditions. This proof usually must be completely new to the court, as issues addressed in prior proceedings are generally not grounds for modification. Common grounds for permanent modifications include a persistent failure to follow visitation schedules, repeated failure to return the child at the designated time, the teaching of immoral or illegal acts to the child, or the parent’s conviction of a crime.

Supervised visitation

In the most severe of cases, one of the parents may be considered incompetent to care for the children or may be considered a threat or danger to the children’s welfare. In these cases, although the parent still has the rights to visit with their children, those visits will have to be supervised by a third party. This individual is most often a counsellor, therapist, or child services employee. These types of visits allow the parent to spend time with the children without putting the children’s well-being in jeopardy.


Having a consistent schedule is important for children’s mental and emotional well-being, especially for those who are now becoming part of a divorced family and making large transitions in their little lives. If your current visitation schedule is no longer desirable and you wish to have it re-evaluated by the court, you can request a modification of visitation rights. There is however a limitation on the filing of such a request. It is advisable to check with a legal professional for more information on how to formally request a modification.

Contact an Attorney at SchoemanLaw Inc for your Family Law needs.

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