Our Services

Get your own legal Goalkeeper

Think about it… how much would it benefit your business if you had your own – Iker Casillas (without the expensive price tag)? A specialist dedicated to ensuring that points are not unnecessarily lost to the opposing team(s)?


  • When a legal crisis strikes your business, do you sometimes feel like the innocent spouse… always the last to find out the other had been cheating?
  • Or maybe… You plan ahead, are goal oriented but need some support so you can focus on activities that purely generate revenue instead of juggling too many balls that don’t?
  • How does going to an attorney make you feel?! Is it an expense with no return on the investment? Do you judge yourself for not being able to solve your own problem(s)?
  • Have you worked hard and until now, successfully managed to avoid expensive legal bills? But now… something has gone very wrong and you cannot avoid making that grudge purchase!
  • Are you concerned about a brewing dispute or risk? Don’t know how to handle it without it spiralling out of control?

Don’t be the last to know that you are facing risk imminent risk! Your hard work and legacy can forever be negatively impacted!

SchoemanLaw Inc may be the right fit for you and your business!

Qualifying *small business assessment (per business) R3990.00
**High Level assessment (per entity) R8990.00
***Integrated assessment (per entity) R11 990.00
Initial Consultation Fee (in addition to the above) R1150.00

*A “small business” is any business (i) whose annual turnover for the last financial year was less than R1 million or (ii) is a newly established business that has not yet had financial statements prepared for the financial year and (iii) has no more than 1 shareholder / owner / partner.

**A High Level assessment considers all the documents provided and on face value thereof commentary / recommendation is provided.

*** An Integrated Assessment considers all the documents provided (on face value) and includes a 2 hour site visit during which the responsible person(s) are interviewed to ascertain the level of practical understanding of the structures already in place and overall state of compliance.

Let us assist you and your business in a non-invasive and confidential manner, free from judgement. Partnering with the right legal firm, dedicated to protecting your legacy, will empower you to solve your own problems more effectively, whilst lightening the workload associated with hands on legal compliance and risk aversion. Your spend will result in more time for actual income generation by being able to better avoid situations that will end up costing you time, money and energy!

Our offer:

  • We offer a speedy and cost effective holistic Legal Assessment (your investment is as set out above), so you know exactly where your risk lies and which issues are most pressing, alternatively get the assurance that everything is in order.
  • During this assessment, we assess your business holistically; from founding (constitution), overall legal compliance, business contracts, BBBEE to data protection, corporate governance, client terms and conditions of sale or service and human resources policies.
  • Once our assessment is complete we will structure and propose a monthly (fixed) fee agreement (retainer agreement) and tailor-made project plan. So we can assist you in addressing all the identified legal risks, in an effective way that suits both your pocket and supports your most ambitious goals.
  • Another benefit of our approach is, that as a valued retainer client there will be no account surprises.
  • In addition to no surprises, we also render fully itemised accounts so you can accurately measure the value exchange between us.
  • The agreement may even be structured in such a way that you have your very own legal non-executive director.
  • Incorporated into our agreement you will also have a standard monthly meeting with your attorney so he / she can report back on progress made, next steps, update you on the latest legal developments or changes that could affect you and to advise you on any questions you may have or challenges you may be facing.

So, to avoid avoidable risk have SchoemanLaw Inc on your team!

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