We are happy to announce the official launch of the SchoemanLaw SME Self – Service DeskTM!
Our subscription users can now also enjoy the following value-added services:
• Business Doctors’ Business Health Check and
• access to Accountability Group and Accountability Solutions for risk mitigation and collections facilitation.
We believe the time is now for entrepreneurs in SA to rise to the challenge – to grow and be successful in order for us to contribute to our communities that support us in our efforts. A crucial part of this is legal compliance. The SchoemanLaw SME Self- Service DeskTM is an affordable and reliable professional solution to start-ups and SME’s. This is the first solution of its kind, created by legal entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs!
In celebration of this, the SchoemanLaw SME Self-Service Desk is offering the following:
the first 50 subscribers from each ACCOUNTABILITY, SEDA and XTRAORDINARY WOMEN a reduced fee of R495 per month as opposed to R550 per month for the first twelve months!
Over and above this, the first 100 subscribers from any of our current pre-approved institutions,i.e. ACCOUNTABILITY, SEDA, WECBOF and XTRAORDINARY WOMEN, gets a 25% discount (being R125) on their first month’s subscription (offer ends 25 January 2018) and will pay R370 for their first month.
Wait, there is more!
Our affiliates at Accountability are offering all registered subscribers a 10% discount on all criminal checks in the months of December 2017 and January 2018 (offer valid from publishing date – 22nd December 2017 and again from 8 January – 31 January 2018).
Business Doctors are offering a month’s free subscription valued at over R2500 (offer ends 13 January 2018) – see : http://valuebuildersystem.com
For more information about the SchoemanLaw SME Self-Service Desk watch our demonstration video: https://youtu.be/RhJyoduq2rA
In order to qualify, please sign up by click on the relevant form below:
If you are a WECBOF member: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?
If you are an Xtraordinary Women member : https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=x_1Pd82ESUydmkSjoyfa5GgYxdtiM1hLlcXL_Yq3FWBUMTlTMkJQRVZPRjhWVEZOWjhINVVCWUdETS4u
If you are an Accountability member: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=x_1Pd82ESUydmkSjoyfa5GgYxdtiM1hLlcXL_Yq3FWBUOVdLTjJUOFZGVzBETzJIWjNNMjdZV082NS4u
If you are a SEDA member: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=x_1Pd82ESUydmkSjoyfa5GgYxdtiM1hLlcXL_Yq3FWBUQTc1TVdKQjc5TldXUUwzQkQ0VU8yWTJVWS4u
*** Should you need more information feel free to contact us: https://schoemanlaw.co.za/online-legal-services/
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