Legal Ethics Under Scrutiny

Legal Ethics Under Scrutiny

A former attorney accused of embezzling over plus-minus, 6 million rand from the Road Accident Fund has been released on bail for 10 thousand rand earlier this month. He was allegedly arrested by the Hawks after they received a tip-off warning them of his alleged...
It is Law – The Amended Civil Union Act

It is Law – The Amended Civil Union Act

South Africa has now taken a further step in embracing equality before the law for same-sex couples, and this step may further evaporate further risks of exposure to discrimination based on sexual orientation. Unfortunately, the change has caused a mixed bag of...
Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill

Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill

The matter of the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development v Prince (2018) ZACC 30 has gone down in the history books of the country as a turning point for the decriminalization of cannabis for private use by adults. The proceedings questioned whether the...