Contracts4Biz is South Africa’s first contract builder tool supported by SchoemanLaw Inc, a South African law firm. It provides people access to contracts that would sell for thousands of rands for under R400 per document. It is instantly available to keep up with the time demands on businesses and is more accurate than a human could ever be.


Meet John! He is a tech entrepreneur who needs an NDA for his pitch with a large investor later this afternoon. But there are two problems – time and cost. A local law firm quoted him around R3500 + VAT (excluding consultation) for the document and it will take around a week to deliver. So, he called his friend Peter who has been doing exceptionally well in his business. He told him about Contracts4Biz and how it changed the trajectory of his business. John downloaded an NDA for R205 (with instructions) and is waiting on a reply from his investor as we speak; he is excited!


Lerato runs a retail store; she needs to employ a new staff member to help with sales. She saw a social media post about Contracts4Biz  and downloaded a contract for R295, but she is concerned about retaining the employee. She consulted with a lawyer at SchoemanLaw who recommended adding a restraint of trade clause. The consultation and addition cost her R1500. Weeks later, Lerato heard that a similar contract would cost around R8000. Lerato is happy she could save over R6000 and has one less thing to worry about in her business.


Andile has decided to offer shares in his business to a colleague but is concerned about losing control and the contract. He heard it costs R30 000 to get one done that would protect his interests. At a business event, John shows Andile Contracts4Biz on his mobile phone. Lerato overhears them and shares her experience with the platform and how a SchoemanLaw lawyer saved her over R6000. Andile downloaded a shareholders agreement for R305 while at the function and sent it to his prospective business partner. They are meeting next week to go over the details and will communicate changes to SchoemanLaw once they are done. Andile feels confident.


John and Andile have decided to become subscribers at Contracts4Biz and pay fixed monthly amounts and reduced consulting and legal advisory fees at SchoemanLaw Inc.


To learn how and Schoeman Law can help with your own legal headaches – talk to a member of the team today! Lexi, our friendly chat assistant available 24 hours a day on is able to help you connect now!