

In today’s world of digital influence, brands partnering with influencers and creators have become a powerful marketing strategy. However, with great opportunity comes the fine print of legally binding agreements. If you have been approached by a brand for a collaboration, taking the time to have a lawyer review your contract could save you from unexpected pitfalls.


Intellectual Property Rights: Who Owns What?


The content you create is your art, your voice, and your identity. Contracts often address intellectual property (IP) rights, which determine who owns the content after it’s posted.


What to look for: Is the brand asking for full ownership of your content or just the right to use it for a limited time? Broad terms like “perpetual” or “exclusive rights” might mean the brand can use your content indefinitely, even after the campaign ends. Negotiate for a limited license, ensuring you retain the rights to your creations.


Deliverables and Performance Obligations


Brands will often outline specific deliverables, such as the number of posts, videos, or stories, as well as deadlines for publishing them. These obligations might seem straightforward, but vague language can lead to disputes.


What to look for: Are the requirements clear? Do the deadlines align with your schedule? Ambiguity in terms like “reasonable efforts” or “as directed by the brand” could lead to excessive demands. Specify deliverables in measurable terms and include provisions for extensions if delays occur.


Payment Terms: Know Your Worth


Ensuring you are fairly compensated is critical. Payment clauses should specify how much you’ll earn, when you’ll be paid, and whether there are conditions attached.


What to look for: Is the payment amount and schedule clearly outlined? Phrases like “subject to approval” or “upon completion of campaign goals” might delay or reduce payment. Demand payment terms that are objective and clearly tied to your performance, not the brand’s subjective satisfaction.


Exclusivity Clauses: Are You Being Tied Down?


Brands may request exclusivity, preventing you from working with competing companies for a certain period. While exclusivity can sometimes be lucrative, it can also limit your future opportunities.


What to look for: Are exclusivity clauses clearly defined? Broad restrictions like “competing brands” without naming specific industries or timeframes. Negotiate narrower exclusivity terms, ensuring it doesn’t unreasonably limit your future collaborations.


Confidentiality Clauses


Brands often include confidentiality clauses to protect sensitive information and non-disparagement clauses to safeguard their reputation. These are standard but can sometimes be overly restrictive.


What to look for: Does the confidentiality clause unreasonably restrict your ability to discuss the collaboration? Terms that prevent you from sharing negative experiences or reporting unethical practices. Ensure clauses are balanced, allowing you to protect your reputation while respecting the brand’s interests.


Indemnity: Who’s Liable?


Indemnity clauses determine who is responsible for legal disputes or claims arising from the campaign. Poorly worded indemnity clauses can leave you financially vulnerable.


What to look for: Are you required to indemnify the brand for actions beyond your control? Broad clauses holding you liable for anything connected to the campaign. Limit your liability to actions directly under your control and ensure mutual indemnity where appropriate.


Termination and Cancellation Rights


Contracts should outline the conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement. Flexibility here can be a lifesaver if things go south.


What to look for: Can you terminate the contract if the brand violates its terms? Terms allowing the brand to terminate without notice or compensation. Include fair termination rights for both parties, including compensation for work completed.




As an influencer, you are your brand. A good contract is not just about money; it’s about safeguarding your reputation, creativity, and future opportunities. Partnering with a lawyer who understands digital marketing contracts can ensure that your agreements empower rather than exploit you. For personalised advice tailored to your needs, consult an attorney at SchoemanLaw.


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Robyn Shepherd