In this day and age, it is quite common for firearms to form part of a deceased person’s estate. It is also quite common for individuals to inherit firearms and/or antique firearms, in terms of a deceased’s Last Will and Testament and/or Interstate Succession.

The person nominated to be the executor in a deceased estate or those who inherit moveable property, such as firearms and/or antique firearms, are often not aware of the requirements and responsibilities imposed by the Firearms Control Act No. 60 of 2000, as amended, (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) and the Firearms Control Regulations, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”).

Furthermore, some heirs may have no desire to acquire or possess such firearms and may wish to dispose of same and are not aware of what is required, in terms of the respective Act and its Regulations.

The important requirements and responsibilities regarding the safekeeping, storage and/or disposal of firearms and/or antique firearms in deceased estates, will be summarised and shortly explained in this article.