The announcement follows a long-standing pre-existing collaboration between the two empowerment focused, successful female-owned (and managed) law firms.
For me, this is a dream come true. We are all driven by the core values of honesty, integrity and hard work. We also believe that we need to do our part to create and sustain value- driven businesses in South Africa. Together, our clients have access to a full-service law firm who truly uphold these core values. What is more, it affords our Clients the convenience of a full-service law firm and our staff with access to diverse mentorship and growth opportunities. Nicolene Schoeman- Louw, Managing Director
When we established Graham Prinsloo Attorneys our core vision was to create a space where professionals were able to develop in areas of law that were limited to a handful of specialists. Joining forces is the realisation of developing an exciting landscape for South African lawyers and building confidence in the clients we service. Eemaan Graham, Director
Our services will therefore now include:
- Family law
- Shariah law
- Criminal Defence
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