Dealing with Crypto Assets in Your Will
The creation and existence of a will can ensure you have certainty on how your assets will be divided amongst your beneficiaries. With the introduction of cryptocurrency, NFTs, tokenization and blockchain technology, many South Africans have taken a shine to these new...
Nasciturus Fiction – Inheritance for an Unborn Child
Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, many South Africans have been forced to become more aware of their own mortality. As a result, they had to start making profound choices about their future and think more about the well-being and future of their children. To...
Contesting a Will
Freedom of testation is the core principle when determining whether a will is valid and whether it can be contested or not, as South African law underpins the testator’s rights to decide how they wish for their estate to be divided and administered. However, it...
What You Need to Know About the Guardian Fund
The Guardian’s Fund (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Fund’) was established to administer the funds of various persons who cannot do so themselves. The Fund does so under the direction and authority of the Master of the High Court and extends to the funds of persons...
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