Our Services

Estate Planning

Creating a legacy for your loved ones through the successful creation and sustenance of your life’s work, both during your lifetime and after, can often be complicated. So to make sure that it is watertight and that upon your passing a legacy aligning to your wishes, we will guide you. Thorough, careful consideration, meticulous planning and the correct structuring of your business interests, affected documents, contracts and will is our ultimate aim to protect the legacy of your hard work most effectively.

Suggested reading and related topics

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The requirements and responsibilities in respect of the safe keeping, storage and/or disposal of firearms, imposed on an executor or heir, by the Firearms Control Act and its Regulations

In this day and age, it is quite common for firearms to form part of a deceased person’s estate. It is also quite common for individuals to inherit firearms and/or antique firearms, in terms of a deceased’s Last Will and Testament and/or Interstate Succession. The...