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Insurance Law
We offer expert advice on the content and implications of specific insurance policies, their tax implications, provide legal advice on estate planning and risk management strategies as well as resolving any related disputes involving insurance law.
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Warranties in Sale Agreements – Can you be Held to Account, Even Years Later?
Warranties and indemnities are mechanisms to ensure trust between contracting parties. It is the proof in the proverbial pudding and aims to provide that a party to a contract does what they say they will. Or put differently, that something is the way it was...
Building or Renovating? Take Note of the New Property Laws
There has been a steady move towards a property industry that is more consumer-focused and offers consumers more protection. This is evident through the introduction of new legislation relating to property and building that has either been proposed or has already...
Should An Insured Be Penalised For Untrue Information Supplied By Another During The Investigation Of A Claim?
Tumultuous economic conditions have resulted in insurers and the insured finding themselves before the courts more often than in previous, more certain times. In saying that, however, the King Price Insurance Company Ltd v Concise Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd...