The importance of social media policies
Read Transcript Good day. My name is Kavita Kooverjee. I am an attorney, and practices such at Schoeman Law Incorporated based in Cape Town, South Africa, where we proudly serve the legal needs of the entrepreneur. Today I will be talking about the importance of...
Your company and small claims – What are your options, really?
Is the small claims court an option for your business? Well, the simple answer is – No. There are two types of legal subjects in South African law: Natural Persons and Juristic Persons. Natural Persons are human beings (or “warm bodies”) and thus seen as...
Judgment By Default
A judgment may be awarded even if you have defended your matter, however, this article aims to explore the possible consequences and actions you may take in respect of a “default judgment” which is essentially a judgment that has been awarded in absence of a defence....
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