Forfeiture and Divorce

Forfeiture and Divorce

Introduction In South Africa, the default position of a marriage is “in community of property,” meaning that spouses share joint ownership of assets acquired during the marriage. However, there are exceptions to this principle, allowing one spouse to claim...
The copyright of articles drafted by ChatGTP

The copyright of articles drafted by ChatGTP

Introduction:  The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the legal profession, enabling lawyers and legal professionals to perform their duties faster and more accurately. One such AI model is ChatGPT, which can generate legal articles and...
Greylisting – What it Means for You and I

Greylisting – What it Means for You and I

FATF stands for the Financial Action Task Force and is an intergovernmental organisation. It develops and promotes policies to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and other threats to the integrity of the international financial system.  On 24 February...