Our Services

Implementation and Training Services

 Training for Legal Professionals, In-House Counsel and Law Firms:

We are certified with the International Institute of Legal Project Management, which represents a worldwide community of legal professionals with graduates in over 40 countries that are focused on the practical application of legal project management and legal process improvement practices to improve legal matter delivery and legal service operations.

SchoemanLaw Inc is the Institute’s accredited training provider in South Africa.

Legal Project Management (“LPM”) enhances the performance of legal practitioners, teams and ultimately increases profits within firms.

Contact us for further information or for local LPM training rates.

Training for Clients:

We offer a range of implementation and training packages aimed at providing for the needs of a variety of businesses, regardless of their industry or size. This unique service also aims to practically implement and train staff on the legal solutions we have constructed for the client.

In addition, we also do training needs assessments in situations where Employees are not performing as they should be and before any formal labour / HR processes are undertaken by the Employer.

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